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TripTime® Insurance

TripTime® Insurance

Cover your trip with GoTime or PrimeTime!

International travel opens doors to new people, places and viewpoints. Unfortunately, it can also open you up to significant financial damage if things take a bad turn abroad.

TripTime makes purchasing international travel insurance easy. Choose from our two popular plans – GoTime or PrimeTime .  GoTime is an economy plan that doesn’t scrimp on the  benefits you need most when you’re far from home.  PrimeTime includes enhanced benefits and limits, but is still very affordable.  You select the Deductible and Maximum Benefit that works best for you.  Then add coverage for Marine Activities, Adventure Sports,  or cover your personal property while traveling.  If you don’t need these options simply don’t purchase them.

If you’re ready to purchase now, just click on a plan icon in the column to the right. If you would like to see a side-by-side comparison of GoTime and PrimeTime click the ‘Compare Plans!’ button below. When you’re ready, just click the ‘Get a Quote’ button.  Then select your options, click ‘Buy Now’ to purchase, and you’re Good to Go!


Oops. There’s one final step: relax and enjoy your trip.

Choose from our two popular plans – GoTime or PrimeTime -then add the coverage options you need.

TripTime® Coverage Features

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Medical Benefits are included in every TripTime® Insurance plan, for treatment of unforeseen illnesses and injuries that occur during your travels outside of your home country.

(included in every TripTime® Insurance plan)
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Transportation Benefits include coverage for emergency medical evacuation, local and interfacility ambulance, trip interruption, repatriation of remains services and more.

(included in every TripTime® Insurance plan)
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Lump Sum Benefits include Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Common Carrier and Hospital Indemnity coverage.

(included in every TripTime® Insurance plan)
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Marine Activities option provides Medical and Transportation coverage while participating in Water Sports named in the policy.  It also includes coverage for your Scuba equipment.

(Can be added to your plan for as little as $0.20 per day)
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Adventure Sports coverage option provides Medical and Transportation benefits while participating in Adventure Sports named in the Certificate.

(optional coverage: can be added to your plan for as little as $0.14 per day)
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Personal Equipment option provides coverage for listed covered Sports Equipment, Photography Equipment, Electronics and Communications Equipment and more.

(optional coverage: can be added to your plan for as little as $0.22 per day)

TripTime® Coverage Info

TripTime coverage begins on the latest of the following (provided always that premium is fully paid):

1. 12:01 am EST on the date indicated on your Certificate; or

2. the moment you depart from your Home Country.

If you meet all of the following requirements, you are eligible:

1. You must be at least 14 days old

2. You must complete, sign and submit an application (or be listed thereon by proxy)

3. You must pay the required premium on or before the Certificate Effective Data

4. You must receive written acceptance of your application

5. As of the Certificate Effective Date, you must have legally departed your Home Country

6. You must not have established a permanent residency in the Host Country


Abseiling BMX Bobsledding Bungee Jumping Canyoning Caving Hot air ballooning Kitesurfing and Kiteboarding Mountaineering below 4,500 meters from ground Parachuting Paragliding Parascending Rappelling Scuba diving or sub-aqua pursuits less than 20 meters deep Skydiving Spelunking Whitewater kayaking or rafting, less than Class V Wildlife Safaris Windsurfing Zip lining

Check out the rest of our TripTime® FAQs

Need to know more? Check out TripTime® Highlights

Check out the TripTime® User Guide

Service the PCU Way

TripTime® travel insurance is offered by Point Comfort Underwriters® (PCU), a health services organization headquartered in the international insurance center of Indianapolis, Indiana. PCU is proud to provide state-of-the-art services to all TripTime travelers. Our dedicated staff brings over a century of combined experience to the table and stands ready to serve you 24/7/365.

We also understand that many prefer the convenience of self-service. So we empower all TripTime customers with a personal travel insurance portal, PCYOU, a secure client access site where you can take care of most routine needs.

We hope your time abroad is safe, happy and inspiring, but we understand bad things can happen to anyone, anywhere in the world. Talented, compassionate people using advanced digital technology to deliver the best possible outcomes you, wherever in the world your travels take you—that’s service the PCU way!

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