By Jason Jourdan
The era of the global pandemic has been rife with challenges ranging from the tragic loss of life, economic collapse, and political unrest to the inconveniences of masking canceled events and sheltering in place. Healthcare professionals are raising awareness of the mental and physical strains resulting from lock-down policies. Isolation anxiety has pummeled the general public, yet an estimated 25-40% didn’t mind social distancing.
Introverts instinctually avoid crowds and are okay with being six feet apart. And they liked staying inside! The thoughtful introspectives who may have weathered the COVID storm better than some now face a world ready for a reset.
With the stage set for a worldwide comeback and vaccine distribution continuing, introverts are coping with the easing of restrictions and the return of crowded venues. Doctors are prescribing travel to cure the corona blues, and hordes of pent-up travelers respond by booking revenge vacations, adventure tours, and best-life experiences. So what’s an introvert to do?
One option is solo travel. Taking a trip alone may be an obvious choice for introverted types, but what’s not so evident are the benefits for everyone else. Imagine unrestricted planning without group consensus, opportunities to meet new people, and the personal growth of enjoying some ‘me time.’ It’s an empowering way to see the world. Sleep on the beach? Spend a day exploring museums? Late dinner on the Aloha Deck? The choices and benefits belong to the solo traveler.
Solo travel is one of the best travel experiences a person can undertake. There is a myriad of beneficial reasons for considering solo travel. So many the travel advisors at Insight Guides have published their list of benefits:
- You can be completely selfish.
- You meet interesting people.
- You can devour as many books as you want.
- You come to know yourself more intimately.
- You can rest without feeling guilty.
- You step outside your comfort zone.
- You’re less likely to feel stressed out.
- You’ll have the time and inspiration to work on creative projects.
- It might make you happier in the long term.
- You’ll probably improve your language skills.
- It’ll give your confidence a boost.
- It’s more cost-efficient.
- You’re less likely to be hassled.
- It can help your problem-solving and decision-making.
Choosing a destination is just as important. The Blonde Abroad Blogger details her list of recommendations for the best places to travel solo.
Virginia Woolf put it best, “How much better is silence; the coffee cup, the table…Let me sit here forever with bare things, this coffee cup, this knife, this fork, things in themselves, myself being myself.” Depending on the goals and needs of the individual traveler, the selection of a destination requires more consideration than seeking a trip without crowds.
There’s Nuku Hiva, the largest of the Marquesas Islands in French Polynesia, with black sand beaches, ancient cathedrals, and enchanting landscapes for tourists seeking more remote locales. The ‘Mysterious Island’ is also known as the most secluded in the world. If solo travelers find reclusive islands too far out of the way, they can turn to a private suite aboard The Canadian. A leisurely trip across the beautiful countryside and winding through the mountain peaks of the majestic Rockies, passengers enjoy privacy along with the option to mingle with other guests. These are a couple of the many destinations brimming with adventures catering to solo travelers and introverts alike.
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