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By Jason Jourdan

Question: Would a shark attack be covered under Triptime Insurance?

Answer: YES.

Shark attacks are covered under the Adventure Sports benefit. In the case of a shark attack it would either be covered as part of “scuba diving” or “wildlife (marine) safari”. However, it is never advisable to jump in the ocean holding the bleeding carcass of the raccoon you trapped in the dumpster behind your office. This would be classified as exposing yourself to undue risk and encouraging bodily harm on yourself or someone else, and could void your coverage.

More from Triptime Adventure Writer, Savannah Grace:

“There’s no adventure more thrilling than watching a trained professional feed WILD bull sharks just off the coast of Mexico during your stay in Playa Del Carmen. If you have some SCUBA experience this will be the dive of all dives. Hanging onto a rope on the bottom of the sandy ocean floor, watch up close as bull sharks swim overhead and nearly brush up against you with their powerful 500lbs bodies. After the great white shark and tiger shark, bull sharks are the most responsible for attacks on humans. The “license plate in shark belly” stories originate from these ferocious creatures.”

Savannah Grace, SIHPROMATUM

This video was taken in The Caribbean Sea just off the coast of Mexico.triptime_blog_banner-03 (8)