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What conditions must be met before Emergency Medical Evacuation expenses will be covered?

What conditions must be met before Emergency Medical Evacuation expenses will be covered?


You should always refer to your Certificate for a complete description of the Conditions and Restrictions for Emergency Medical Evacuation. Generally, in order to receive Emergency Medical Evacuation coverage, the following much be met:

1. The Illness or Injury giving rise to the Emergency Medical Evacuation is covered under the plan you have picked.

2. Medically Necessary treatment, services and supplies cannot be provided locally.

3. Transportation by any other method would result in loss of your life or limb within 24 hours, based upon reasonable medical certainty.

4. Emergency Medical Evacuation is recommended by the attending Physician who certifies to the above.

5. Emergency Medical Evacuation is agreed upon by you or your Relative.

6. The condition giving rise to the Emergency Medical Evacuation must have occurred outside your Home Country.

7. The condition giving rise to the Emergency Medical Evacuation must have arisen unexpectedly, spontaneously and without advance warning, or advance treatment, diagnosis or recommendation for treatment by a Physician, or prior manifestation in the form of symptoms which would have caused a reasonably prudent person to seek medical attention prior to the onset of the Emergency.

8. The Emergency Medical Evacuation must be arranged and coordinated by PCU.